
Over years of mountain biking there have been a few things that have been similar among many people I meet on the trail. I like them.

They aren’t out there because they don’t like it. Or maybe they don’t, they’re checking it out to see what it is like and it’s not for them. The outdoors is an exercise in survival. I can understand but I still enjoy fresh air, sunshine, effort and the resulting gravity.

That is my thing. At this moment it competes with this screen. It is cool enough outside tonight that the ski trail has firmed up. There’s enough moon to enjoy its reflection on the snow, but I’m taking the day off skiing. I’ll go tomorrow. Skootching along with the other people outside.

On mountain bike trips in the late 80’s we would find ourselves in a random park with our cars, a couple of blankets, and maybe a tent. Food everywhere scattered between the bikes and beer. Nebraska camping in summer meant the most dangerous thing you could encounter was brain eating algae, but who has time for that in your teens? In the early 90’s I gave this same camping technique a go in Colorado. I learned a lot in a few hours to say the least. Outfitting people with gear ultimately turned into my career. I did my best to prevent people from making the mistakes I made. After a while the role I was in outspanned my attention.

You. Go make the mistakes. What else are you doing?

Except for bear awareness, please educate yourself on that before entering Grizzly Bear country.

Exuding positivity and purpose hopefully inspires others to discover the best outcome. A bad day fishing is better than a good day of work. Unless you’re a fisherman who is having a really bad season. Did someone already correct the t-shirt? I had a friend who wrote a song called “I’m Being as Nice as I Can” with awesome pertinent lyrics around that topic. Make up your own lyrics and give it a go.


Days getting Longer