Bike Wizard Technical Update

Hello, people and bots of the internet. For 2023 we’re going to get more involved with our online presence. No…not a regular presence but it will reflect the shop. In the coming months you will see this website evolve, as the shop has over time. Hopefully every change is an improvement based on our experience. Currently you are seeing some of the “beta” product we have posted to get used to our platform. It seems to be working, and we will continually improve it over time.

That said, we will be gradually updating our product to phase out many of the same products you see at a large majority of our online cohorts. In the future the vintage and hard to find collectible parts will be incorporated, and any high quality used parts also. In the past we have been focused on other internet platforms for sales, but now it is time for our own approach to being an internet bike shop.

We will make mistakes? Yep. For example this blog post is dated May 28, when, in reality, I’m writing this on December 28. Do I know how to fix it? No. Can we? Probably in the future.

As for the Blog part of this, there will be some sporadic fluctuations in what is posted. Mostly, I will attempt to be sarcastically inert and hopefully positive most of the time. If you’re a regular of the shop and have been in a few times you know that this will probably melt away occasionally and I’ll type what is on my mind. For better or worse.

What’s on my mind currently is the holidays. I’m not a big celebrator of these, but they’ve been pretty good this year. Knock on wood. The community of Bozeman, Gallatin County, and the beautiful state of Montana have allowed me to pursue this business for nearly a decade. The only limits that it has experienced are because I was only creative enough to get by. In the next 10 years, our neighborhood is going to drastically change and the business must prepare for this. Large amounts of growth will happen in northeast Bozeman, and we aim to be a happy “third place” for the community.

It might be odd to pursue 3rd place, but let me explain. Most people exist primarily in their first place: home. The runner up is their second place: work. There’s lots of third places for people. Coffee shops (we happen to be neighbors with one), bars, restaurants, nail studios, hair parlors, etc. Where’s yours?

Whatever came to mind is fine. A library is a really good one, probably one of my favorites. This website hopefully will become a 3rd place on the internet for you as well. New and strange product, and technical updates await!

In earlier internet days, I would send out a satirical email newsletter called “Bike Wizard Technical Update.” It was really cool, I used a graph paper background. Ahh, the 90’s. Anyway, I got busy and stopped sending them out. After a few trips to visit family and friends, a number of people asked when I would start them again. Well, after a little over 23 years here we go!

Looking forward to this being a good place to spend time. Cheers, B.


Modify your bike for happiness

