
Happy New Year. It seems like a normal Bozeman winter of snow is here and it is a good time to embrace what it has to offer. In this case, creation of more opportunities. When the sun is out, it is really helpful, and when It is snowing sometimes it seems so calm. Blizzards usually are pretty cool depending on how cold they are and whether or not the power stays on. Winter gives us time during some of the earlier hours of the day to be inside, without wondering why you’re not outside enjoying it. As I’m writing this the sun is setting a little before 5 pm. In the summer, I cant justify being on the computer at a time like this. Being outside for myself usually includes biking about until sunset, or later.

Busy icy roads with people looking at their phones and speeding resulted in a reduction of my winter riding. I still have the bike, the clothes, and the skill to winter commute, but the confidence is now gone. After last summer’s incident, my frailty has become apparent. If you have known me or been my client you already know that biking is a way of life for me. All four seasons, regardless of conditions. I feel no desire to ride when roads are bad. If something goes wrong it will greatly limit my ability to recover from last year’s misfortune. Before that I had damaged my back. The pain from that persisted for 3 years, then shortly after my back was feeling better, I was laid up again.

This is why pragmatism comes up today. I have to deal with the limitations of two serious injuries in the last 5 years logically. After years of waking up in pain for so long, I’m sick of it. It affects everyone I contact because I’m not 100% and can’t give 100%. When I try to dedicate maximum effort, it can result in weeks of pain. The logical solution is to get back to 100% as soon as possible. In order to do that, I’ve changed a few things in my life. This change is partially inspired by changing my attitude about winter.

Long ago I shifted my attitude at work from: “I can’t do that” to “what can I do” and that helped my will being considerably. The change made my interactions with people more positive and opened more opportunities. Getting back to 100% requires a change in attitude on my behalf. I’m doing other things I can since year round bike commuting is less appealing. Is it going to work? Will I be ready for next riding season? By shifting from what I no longer do to what I can do, hopefully I can get back to where I was before last summer’s mishap.

Once again, Happy New Year.


Bike Wizard Technical Update


Days getting Longer